TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo! - News Today in World

TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo!

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Title : TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo!
link : TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo!

news-today.world | Mhoro, masikati! Wakadini zvako? We were treated to another double episode, this time in the beautiful country of Zimbabwe. The much anticipated partner swap was a huge let down because it didn't seem to have any consequence on the standings since it turned out to be NEL - we shall deal with the details in due course, but as always let's start with the statistics and this is a bit of a headache for me: how do I deal with the fact that partners were swapped? I was going to break it down by the individual racers and that would have left Cody with a much better rating than Jessica for example, but the fact that he had to wait for her meant that any kind of better rating is meaningless because the fact that he got to the pit stop first didn't help his team - he still had to wait for her. So I am just going to use the official ranking for the purpose of the statistics now.
Average ranking after 8 legs of TAR S30

Team Extreme 2.5
Team Indycar 3.25
Team Yale 4
Team BB 4
Team OC 4.625
Firefighters 5.625 (eliminated in Harare)

Some of the TAR fans have said to me that these stats are not that helpful - for example, statistically team OC are very weak and are the weakest team left after the elimination of the Firefighters. However, they are the only team who have won three legs so far, a feat that even team Extreme could not match. The statistics also do not account for the fact that teams Yale and BB had to do both sides of the detour in Harare and the fact that they both survived the U-turn tells us that they are both much stronger than these numbers suggest. But of course, I had said from the start that it is usually the statistically weakest team that will go next and sure enough, the Firefighters were the weakest team after the last leg and they were eliminated in Harare despite not being U-turned. I think that's a dumb move on the part of the other teams: you want to get rid of the stronger threat, you want to keep the weakest teams with you all the way to the final. Team IndyCar made a strategically dumb move when they chose to help team BB with the tire challenge by telling them exactly what to do - they could have sent them the wrong way, made them waste another ten, twenty minutes looking for the marked truck. That would have effectively gotten rid of team BB whilst saving the Firefighters: do these guys even understand how TAR works? Good grief.

So let's talk about the partner swap 

It was all a bit of an anti-climax really after so much hype, since the penalty for being held back at the pit stop was getting to the U-turn later than everyone else. The last four teams were so close to each other and team BB actually managed to overtake some of the other teams - so it really came down to something as random as which driver they got rather than a mor strategic choice they made during the race. This begs the question: why didn't they put the U-turn board a lot closer to the pit stop in the Imire Wildlife Conservatory then? By all means send them to the fabric shop in Harare for them to pick up a clue, but any advantage gained by finishing the detours in the safari were unfairly taken away from some teams due to the long drive back into Harare. I was a bit disappointed also in the way it was organized - surely if you want to really mix the teams up, then it would make more sense to make them do individual tasks and have them pick brand new partners as individuals rather than as a team: after all, Jessica practically stood back and did nothing whilst Cody pitched up that tent all by himself. It doesn't feel fair that she gets to pick a good partner when she really didn't contribute at all to that task. The new partners were pretty boring as well, no one seemed to fight or argue - they were all on their best behaviour, which really left many of us thinking it was all a lot of fuss for nothing that exciting and few consequences for coming in last.
Why did team OC pick team Indycar?

Interestingly enough, as team OC were the second to pick a partner, they had the choice of the Firefighters, team Yale and team Indycar. After the last leg in Prague, team Indycar were statistically the second strongest team which did mean that it would be an obvious choice if you were merely going to base that choice on statistics. However, if you were to base it more on complimentary skills, I would have thought that pairing up with team Yale would have been a better match for team OC - neither Lucas nor Brittany have shown to be particularly strong when it came to their puzzle solving skills and that was an area that team Yale obviously excel at. Sure you want to pick a team you can work well with, but given how close the averages are, I wouldn't have thought that Yale was a weak team at all: they struggle at the more physical challenges compared to the other teams but do you really want to risk pairing up with another physically strong team and risk having to encounter a puzzle type challenge with them when you really need a Yale brain? Turns out, it really didn't matter anyway as all the new pairs seemed to work really well with the exception of Jessica and Kristi who inexplicably collapsed mentally when it came to a fairly straightforward memory task. What was even more ridiculous was Jessica expecting Evan to help them out - why would you do that on a race? Why would anyone help another team out when you're all fighting to avoid elimination? How stupid is Jessica? She has already received a lot of hate on social media, so I am not going to stick the knife in at this point, but good grief, she deserves all the hate she is getting on social media.

Goodbye to the Firefighters

Am I surprised that the Firefighters are gone? Well not really. Statistically, the weakest teams usually go unless the racers are smart enough to gang up on a stronger team to take out their biggest opponent. The Firefighters really struggled in Harare - they left the safari in joint third place and didn't get U-turned, yet somehow they were just so slow with the 'Handle With Care' detour at Eastgate Mall that they fell way behind. I may not like team BB, but you have to admire them for the way they simply blitzed through that task in lightning speed to avoid elimination. Frankly, I thought they would still be okay even after having taken their time on that detour because they didn't have to do the other side of the detour - yet they seemed to have taken their time with the last task. They got there before team Yale and team BB, yet they seem hesitant to even try to go on stage for a long time, spending way too long rehearsing with their coach. Team Extreme did the right thing - they rushed on stage knowing that they would learn best by failing, learning from their mistakes. After all, all teams took a few attempts to get through this task and each time they failed, they received useful feedback from their coaches. I didn't see this one coming - the Firefighters could have and should have expected TAR to challenge them to do things they are not good at, to be taken out of their comfort zone. Yes that singing challenge was certainly difficult but they all did it in the end - if they had a more positive attitude, who knows they could have possibly completed that task quite a lot sooner, enough to have saved them from elimination.
Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo!

Many of you on social media have commented on how much you loved the catchy song the racers had to perform: it is called Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo and it was a big hit in the year 1998 by the Zimbabwean band the Four Brothers. What you were not told during the programme was that the singer leading the racers through the song was the son of the late leader of the Four Brothers - for Marshall Munhumumwe Junior to have performed his late father's hit for the racers and to bring it to a whole new audience internationally just after the 16th anniversary of his father's death was the kind of poignant story that brings a tear to your eye. The Four Brothers are generally regarded as the most successful and internationally recognized band from Zimbabwe. This song like all their music is sung in the Shona language - one of 16 official languages in Zimbabwe, though Shona is one of the three most spoken languages in Zimbabwe along with English and Ndebele. I loved the fact that this took place in Harare Gardens, in front of an audience of locals and it celebrating a beautiful aspect of Zimbabwean culture, this was definitely one of the best moments of the current series so far for me. I was only disappointed that the racers were allowed to take the lyrics sheet on stage with them - they should have been made to memorize the song, they didn't have to sing that many lines and quite a few racers eventually did ditch the lyrics sheet after a few attempts anyway.
No language barrier in Zimbabwe?

Yes most Zimbabweans do speak some English, often to a very high standard! As there are 16 official languages (and many more unofficial ones used including foreign languages and religion dialects), it is impossible for the locals to speak all the local languages so they all just default to English as the lingua franca. Zimbabwe was a formal British colony and thus English remains the language of education and business in Zimbabwe today. This is actually a phenomena you will find in many African countries where there is huge linguistic and cultural diversity and the locals simply default to the former colonial language as the one language that everyone uses to understand each other. By that token, that actually made it fairly convenient for the racers in Zimbabwe in these two legs as they had little problems communicating with the locals when it came to asking for directions or help, such as in the Eastgate Mall when there was a substantial amount of interaction with the local staff at the mall and that was entirely done in English. I think it is a lot more fun when racers are sent to a country where the locals barely speak any English, such as when they visited Vietnam in the last season. Maybe I am just being sadistic and evil, but it makes for good TV when they get completely lost in translation.

Too many celebrity teams on this season

It has emerged on social media that team Well Strung (who were eliminated in the last leg in Prague) were a celebrity team who were recruited for this season. Well, what a surprise. Are they celebrities? Well, not on the scale of Brad Pitt or Taylor Swift, but they are definitely very successful at what they do and have a substantial following. Likewise, the same can be said about teams Chomp, IndyCar, Extreme, Slam Dunk and BB who have become minor celebrities within their respective niche areas. The casting of team BB in this season has been controversial because whilst it did bring a whole new audience to the show, but it also angered a lot of the long term fans of TAR because they simply didn't understand how TAR is very different from BB, that it was a race rather than a popularity contest amongst the housemates than amongst the viewers. On TAR, as the viewer, you have absolutely no influence over the outcome of the race, quite unlike BB, where you can vote to save someone you like when they are up for eviction or ensure that someone you don't like gets evicted. The only non-celebrity teams in this season are team OC, Yale, Firefighters, Goat Yoga and the Ring Girls (I bet some of you are struggling to remember them as they got eliminated in leg 1). I can understand them including someone like team BB to boost ratings as it is a ratings war to keep the show alive but the consensus is that they went too far with these B-list celebrity teams this season and fans would prefer to see more 'real' people on the race, people who have stepped forward to audition for TAR rather than celebrities who were invited to be on the show.
Celebrity tantrums on WIMD and TAR

There are already too many celebrity versions of our favourite reality TV shows and that really pisses me off. We want to see more super-fans like Justin Scheman on the show! Let's contrast that to the incident on the current season of the Dutch reality TV show Wie Is De Mol (there were also American, British and Australian versions of this show for the English speakers) where all the contestants are Dutch celebrities. One contestant Jean-Marc Van Tol just walked out and quit after just two episodes: his reason? He had been suffering from insomnia and can't get his head around the game. In short, he just doesn't give a shit and wants to go home because he's not having fun. There must be so many mole fans not just amongst the Dutch audience but around the world who must be so angry at the decision to cast someone like that in the show! We have already seen a similar tantrum on TAR China S4 E7 where the father and son celebrity team the Zhangs gave up in the middle of a detour in Ho Chi Minh City and essentially said in Mandarin (and I'm translating), "f#ck this shit, it's f#cking impossible, we're going back to the hotel now". It was just an arts & craft challenge, assembling a wedding invitation card - it was a task that only required attention to detail and was one of the easier tasks in that season! Cut to the footage of them getting into a car and we don't see them for the rest of the episode until the very end where the we then get a sheepish 'explanation' that the father wasn't feeling well and thus had to pull out of the race. Yeah right, it was the most unconvincing explanation ever on TAR history. That's the kind of crap you get from celebrity contestants who just can't be bothered and it really pisses us fans off. It is clear that we have been let down by the casting directors!

Another double episode next week! 

The teams had to Bahrain and then Northern Thailand for a double episode next week! Whilst TAR has made visits to other countries in the Middle East like the UAE, Oman and Kuwait, this will be their first visit to Bahrain. Thailand on the other hand is a favourite with the TAR producers, having visited the country six times before in season 1, 2, 9, 14, 19 and 26. The racers will visit Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand, which was last visited way back in season 2. With the elimination of the Firefighters, it is now really hard to predict who will be next to go in Bahrain. There are usually three NELs in each season, so we can expect one more NEL quite soon. Statistically, the weakest team is still team OC, but they are also the only team who have won three legs so far and seem to have improved a lot as the race progressed. The same can be said about team Indycar, whose performance has steadily improved in the race. However, team BB had a great start in the first few legs but has struggled to stay in the race in the last few legs, very narrowly escaping elimination in Prague and Harare by a matter of minutes. It would suggest that fatigue is playing a factor in team BB's poor performance in the last few legs and it may eventually overcome them in the next two legs now the really weak teams are all gone, as predicted. Nonetheless, team BB are hungry enough to do whatever it takes, stab anyone in the back, play dirty in order to stay in the race and they are amongst teams who are quite clueless about strategy. I don't like them as explained last week, but they are probably as strong as the other teams left. I would normally find it hard to predict what may happen next, but we have been given a clue.
Never lose your passport when traveling!

Oh what a nightmare. It looks like one of the racers has lost his/her passport in the next two legs. Now what we don't know is if the racer managed to retrieve the passport before all the other teams have checked in or it is one of those cases where it leads to the team being eliminated as they can't go on to the next country without the passport. Cast your minds back to TAR S29 E3 when Floyd of team Fun left his passport in the taxi on the way to the pit stop. It cost them a few places when they had to run back to find his passport, but luckily for them there was one more team (Seth & Olive) who were a lot slower because they were U-turned. So there was a lot of drama but they were okay in the end and went on to race quite a few more legs. Now that has actually happened before: in TAR S15 E4, Justin & Zev checked in to the pit stop first, then realized Zev had lost his passport. They were unable to locate Zev's passport before all the other teams checked in, resulting in their elimination. In TAR S21 E6, James & Abba had their bags (which contained Abba's passport) stolen by an evil taxi driver in Russia- that led to their unfortunate elimination. In TAR S13 E8, Toni & Dallas were eliminated because Dallas had lost his passport in Russia as well. And of course, in TAR Canada S3 E4, Hamilton famously left his passport on a flight on that leg because he wanted to show his passport to an air stewardess. His passport was located but it resulted in such a delay in retrieving it that it led to Hamilton & Michaela being eliminated. There are countless other instances when teams came close to misplacing their passports but managed to get it back. It does look like the team who will be eliminated next is the one who loses the passport and that could be anyone!

Apologies in advance!

Oh dear. I must apologize in advance. I am going to have trouble blogging next week: I have already booked a holiday to go cross country skiing in Oulu, in Northern Finland but work may take me to Beijing instead to work on a deal, because I am the only person in my company who speaks both Italian and Mandarin and we're working on a major investment project whereby an Italian project is getting a big Chinese investment. Yes I told them I had booked a holiday several weeks ago but it would not make sense for anyone else to deal with this series of meetings given the language barrier. I might end up flying directly from Finland to China. Either way, whether I am in Beijing or Oulu next week, I would be late in terms of blogging. If I end up in China, I am not sure how I would access lot of the social media I draw upon for my posts given that China blocks everything from Youtube to Facebook! And if I do go skiing in Finland, well I'll be out in the frozen wilderness skiing instead of geeking it out on social media. I may end up going to China after my Finnish holiday anyway, given that we're so close to Chinese new year and the Chinese clients may just say, "can we deal with this after the Chinese new year holidays please?" So we'll see, but either way, the blog post for next week's episodes will inevitably be later than normal, so I am sorry for that.
Alright, so that's it from me for now. Do leave a message and let me know what you think please. Many thanks for reading!

That's an article TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo!

Fine for article TAR S30 E7+8: Pasi Pano Pane Zviedzo! This time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

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