CHARITIES RUN BY THE SPIES? - Hallo World !!! News Today in World, In this article you read by title CHARITIES RUN BY THE SPIES?, We've prepared this article well so you can read and retrieve information on it. Hopefully the contents of the post Article World, What we write can you understand. Okay, happy reading.


Some charities are being run by Mossad and its friends, and, are involved in organising child abuse rings?

"More than 120 workers for Britain's leading charities were accused of sexual abuse in the past year (2017) alone, fuelling fears that child abusers are targeting overseas aid organisations.

"As new figures emerged revealing the extent of the crisis, Priti Patel, the former international development secretary, warned 'predatory paedophiles' had been allowed to exploit the aid sector."

Charities reel as 120 workers accused of sexual abuse in last year alone

Mark Goldring (centre, white shirt)

Mark Goldring, the boss of Oxfam, is believed to have Jewish origins.

In the Oxfam sex scandal, it should be noted that sacked staff found new aid jobs with World Jewish Relief.

Oxfam has pledged not to call for a boycott of Israeli goods or to support groups that do so.

Oxfam agrees to conditions on Israel set by UK Jewry

"The Jewish Board of Deputies will send 30 representatives to a training weekend with Oxfam."

Oxfam statement on joint initiative with the Board of Deputies of British Jews...

Roland van Hauwermeiren, from Belgium, the land of Marc Dutroux, organiser of worldwide child abuse rings.

"Roland van Hauwermeiren, 68, Oxfam's country director in the region was allowed to resign without disciplinary action despite admitting to using 'child' prostitutes at the villa rented for him by Oxfam.

Oxfam failed to warn aid agencies about staff caught using 'child' prostitutes in Haiti, allowing them to take jobs among vulnerable people in other disaster zones.

Roland van Hauwermeiren, 68, who was forced to resign as Haiti country director in 2011 after admitting having prostitutes visit his Oxfam villa, went on to become head of mission for Action Against Hunger in Bangladesh in 2012-14.

Marc Dutroux (centre)

A leading figure in the the Dutroux child abuse ring, Jean Michel Nihoul, "managed the group's finances out of posh offices on the Avenue de Louise in the heart of the Brussels business district.

"He managed a string of Dutroux's properties which functioned as pedophilia clubs in various countries, including a sumptuous and secluded villa in the Caribbean at which leading U.S. political figures, governors and members of Congress could satisfy their pedophile perversions safe from media sleuths."

Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney

Are charities being taken over by the spies?

In 1991, in the UK, Duncan and Jenni Dyason watched a TV documentary about street children in Guatemala being shot dead by the police. 

They set up the Toybox Charity to help street children.

Toybox now works in Guatemala, Bolivia, Peru and El Salvador.

Duncan Dyason

However, Toybox appears to be changing.

Duncan and Jenni no longer work for Toybox.

1. The new boss of Toybox is Lynne Morris.

Lynne worked for World Vision for over 12 years

2. Jeni York is now a Toybox Trustee.

Jeni was Human Resources Director at World Vision for 21 years.

3. Ian Gray is now Toybox's International Programmes Director.

Ian was Associate Director, Policy and Programme Innovation at World Vision.

World Vision is alleged to be a CIA-front organisation.

"USAID is 'the humanitarian arm of the CIA' and Americares has been singled out as well. 

"World Vision is also a CIA front." 

Many Faces of the CIA

Bolivian President Evo Morales orders expulsion of USAID - CNN

It appears that large international charities such as World Vision are in fact intelligence cut-out operations for clandestine mind-control operations and other counter-intelligence activities around the world.

"World Vision employee, Mark David Chapman, worked at their Haitian refugee camp in Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas.

"He was later to gain infamy as the assassin of John Lennon in New York City. 

"World Vision works with refugees worldwide.

"At the Honduran border, they are present in camps used by American CIA to recruit mercenaries against Nicaragua.

"They were at Sabra and Shatilla, camps in Lebanon where fascist Phalange massacred the Palestinians.

"Their representatives in the Cuban refugee camps on the east coast included members of the Bay of Pigs operation, CIA-financed mercenaries from Omega 7 and Alpha 66. 

"Are they being used as a worldwide cover for the recruitment and training of these killers?

"They are, as mentioned earlier, working to repopulate Jonestown with Laotians who served as mercenaries for our CIA."

Many charities are fronts for the CIA and its friends.

1. In early September 2012, Pakistan ordered foreigners working for Save the Children to leave Pakistan.

Pakistan stated that Save the Children was being used by Western spies.

A doctor accused of assisting the CIA claimed that Save the Children had introduced him to US intelligence officers.

Child actors? Propaganda for the CIA? A Save the Children film.

2. On 25 September 2012, Save the Children produced what appears to be a piece of propaganda for the CIA.

The charity has released Untold Atrocities, a collection of alleged 'first-hand accounts' from children and parents allegedly receiving help from Save the Children after fleeing Syria.

"The six-year-old son of an anti-government activist is abducted, then starved and beaten to death. The new report by the UK charity Save the Children documents these and other alleged atrocities."

Save the Children has been refused permission to enter Syria. 

Save the Children is on the ground on Syria's borders.
Justin Forsyth (left) with  Andrew Mitchell (Andrew Mitchell 'plebs' comment)

Justin Forsyth became chief executive of Save the Children in July 2012.

Forsyth is a former adviser to Tony Blair.

He is also a former communications director to Gordon Brown.

The former boss of Save the Children was Jasmine Whitbread, who previously worked for Oxfam. 

3. Oxfam, like several other charities, has been accused of being a front for the UK security service MI6.

"In the early 1970s, the Tamil Tigers began establishing training camps and secret arms caches under the cover of a chain of Refugee and Rehabilitation Farms of the Gandhian Society.

"Funds for the farms came from Oxfam, one of the most powerful and secretive British intelligence organizations acting under non-governmental organization cover...

"John Glover, a British feature writer, wrote to the Western Mail in Wales about the ongoing and future training programs for Tamil youth by British mercenaries.

"A band of mercenary soldiers recruited in South Wales is training a Tamil army to fight for a separate state in Sri Lanka. 

"About 20 mercenaries were signed up after a meeting in Cardiff and have spent the last two months in southern India preparing a secret army to fight the majority Sinhalas, in the cause of a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka," he said...


4. Reporter Andrew Geoghegan visited his 14 year old sponsored child in Ethiopia.

The girl has "been part of a World Vision program all her life" yet said "until recently, I didn't know I had a sponsor."

And when asked about her knowledge of World Vision sponsorship she said "Last time they gave me this jacket and a pen."

Geoghegan was disconcerted to find that despite being "told by World Vision that the girl was learning English at school, and was improving... she speaks no English at all."

(Geoghegan, Andrew "Ethiopia - The Endless Famine", Foreign Correspondent, 25 November 2008, series 18, episode 22, Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Sabra and Shatila.

World Vision reportedly is a front for the CIA. 


World Vision "ran the refugee camp in Sabra-Shatilla where the fascist Phalange were allowed in to kill the Palestinians...

"They ran the Cuban and Thai refugee camps in the United States.

"Mark David Chapman, who eventually shot John Lennon, worked at the Thai refugee camps out in Arkansas that World Vision operated there.

"They ran these camps brutally, forcing people into political education against Castro, refusing to feed people, beating people...

"The chairman of the board for some period was John W. Hinkley Sr.. 

"The son worked at Fort Chafey at the Thai refugee camps.

"There were pictures of him after the Reagan shooting running in his World Vision T-shirt around the edge of the camp...

"Scott was already doing the wheeling and dealing and was tight with Neil Bush..."

Jonestown - linked to the CIA and World Vision

And what about the Jonestown Massacre and World Vision?

(Source: Jonestown Massacre by Fiona Steel, published at Court TV's Crime Library)

Allegedly Jonestown was part of a CIA mind-control program: the CIA infiltrated The People’s Temple, to carry out their experiments.

CIA theorists claim that Jim Jones had many questionable associations with the CIA throughout the years he was establishing The People’s Temple.

The Temple had a strong association with the World Vision organisation that many believe to be another CIA front.


"Jim Jones had a very interesting past which was overlooked by the media: Jones was ... sent to Brazil where his house, transportation and groceries were provided to him by the U.S. Embassy, and he frequently traveled to Belo Horizonte, the CIA headquarters in Brazil.

"Jones had been contacted in Ukiah by 'Christian missionaries' from World Vision (World Vision is a CIA controlled front operation), an evangelical order which had performed espionage work for the CIA in Southeast Asia."


Duncroft School, run by Barnardos 

5. Barnardo's is a UK children's charity.

Sir Jimmy Savile used to abuse children at one of their children's homes called Duncroft.

Serious child abuse took place at a number of Barnardo's homes over the years.

Some children's homes in the UK, such as Kincora and Bryn Estyn, have reportedly been used by the security services as boy brothels.


6. Larry King got children for his child abuse ring from Boys Town, Omaha.

Child victims said that King took part in the satanic ritual murder of children

(Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Scandal)

The "Washington Post", "New York Times", "Village Voice" and "National Law Journal" referred to the accusations.

King was linked to Iran-Contra.

King was said to have provided the CIA with information gained from the users of the child sex ring.

Several of the Omaha child victims testified that they had traveled to Washington with King in private planes to attend political events and sex parties.

Omaha's top daily newspaper reported, "One child, who has been under psychiatric care, is said to believe she saw George Bush at one of King's parties." 

David Miliband, whose brother Ed is expected to be the next prime minister of the UK.

7. David Miliband was the UK government minister responsible for the UK spy service MI6.

Now he is to head the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a charity based in the USA, with operations in over 40 countries.

The IRC provides "emergency relief, post-conflict development and resettlement services."

The IRC is reported to be a CIA front organisation.

"Ford Foundation archives reveal a raft of joint Foundation-CIA projects.

"The most prominent of these CIA fronts are the Eastern European Fund, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and International Rescue Committee."

international rescue committee « The Most Revolutionary Act

Anonymous comments:

A quick look a wiki page of this so called charity told me what they were. This charity was where the US-trained death squads were active in the 80s and 90s.

Oh, and those loving humanitarians Albright and Kissinger are involved; while on the board sit the great and good of the corporate world: representatives JP Morgan and American Express!  

Hanslope Park

Milton Keynes is a spooky town in Buckinhamshire in the UK.

It is one of MI6's main spy bases.

Milton Keynes is home to Bletchley Park, the UK spy base where, during World war II, cryptographers broke German codes.

Former MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson once had a job, that MI6 had found for him, with Jackie Stewart’s Formula One team in Milton Keynes.

(The Truthseeker)

Errol Barnett

Spooky Errol Barnett, an anchor and correspondent for spooky CNN, is from spooky Milton Keynes.

Hillary Clinton after donating $2,000,000,000 to World Vision.

The 'CIA front' organisation World Vision UK has its HQ in Milton Keynes.


Challenge House

The Toybox charity is based at Challenge House in Milton Keynes.

1. The new boss of Toybox is Lynne Morris.

Lynne worked for World Vision for over 12 years

2. Jeni York is now a Toybox Trustee.

Jeni was Human Resources Director at World Vision for 21 years.

3. Ian Gray is now Toybox's International Programmes Director.

Ian was Associate Director, Policy and Programme Innovation at World Vision.


 Boys with the Toybox charity in Guatemala

Girls with the Toybox charity in Guatemala.

The Presidential Palace in Port au prince, in Haiti

Oxfam and the BBC are said to be run by MI6.


Oxfam and the BBC are said to be linked to child sexual abuse.


It was reported in February 2018 that Oxfam organised a Caligula-style orgy in Haiti, which apparently involved child prostitutes.

Oxfam: exploitation involving prostitutes

Port au Prince 

The Oxfam orgy took place after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Oxfam held a private inquiry into the orgy in 2011.

"Senior staff members hired prostitutes who 'may have been underage'", the report claims.

Roland van Hauwermeiren, from Belgium, the land of Marc Dutroux.

"Roland van Hauwermeiren, 68, Oxfam's country director in the region was allowed to resign without disciplinary action despite admitting to using 'child' prostitutes at the villa rented for him by Oxfam.

"Oxfam let three men resign.

"Four others were fired for gross misconduct, which included using prostitutes at an apartment provided by Oxfam, according to a confidential report."

Oxfam: exploitation involving prostitutes


"A number of sources who had knowledge of the Oxfam case said they were concerned about the age of the prostitutes."

The source alleges to have seen footage from a night which was like 'like a full-on Caligula orgy', with girls wearing Oxfam T-shirts.

No one accused has been arrested or faces criminal action.

The Charity Commission did not receive the final investigation report.

Haitian orphans are being trafficked?

It was Trump's friend Representative Pete Hoekstra, a Republican, who introduced a bill to speed up the process for adoptions of Haitian orphans.

Rockefeller in Haiti.

A leading figure in the the Dutroux child abuse ring, Jean Michel Nihoul, "managed the group's finances out of posh offices on the Avenue de Louise in the heart of the Brussels business district. 

"He managed a string of Dutroux's properties which functioned as pedophilia clubs in various countries, including a sumptuous and secluded villa in the Caribbean at which leading U.S. political figures, governors and members of Congress could satisfy their pedophile perversions safe from media sleuths."

Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney

The Caribbean is popular with certain top Americans.

Above, we see some Americans in Haiti.

Jorge Puello - Haiti Child Abduction: The Jewish Connection

According to the New York Times, a Jewish man suspected of leading a child trafficking ring is also a legal adviser to the Americans charged with trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without permission. 

On 12 February 2010, twelfthbough tells us more (one ring to rule them all)

Photo of Haiti from John Carroll's Posts

Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, have long been destinations for Americans, and Europeans, involved in child abuse.

For Congressmen, or European Commissioners, who like young black boys, Port au Prince is an ideal destination.

(The John Duarte Case / The Douglas Perlitz Case / White pedophiles from abroad participating in sexually abusing forsaken, abused and already much exploited Haitian street children: On the Street by Tim CollieHaitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for ...)


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