WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME! - News Today in World


WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME! - Hallo World !!! News Today in World, In this article you read by title WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME!, We've prepared this article well so you can read and retrieve information on it. Hopefully the contents of the post Article Salisbury News, What we write can you understand. Okay, happy reading.


news-today.world |
I'm not sure how things are in your particular area but here in Ocean City, I'd like to know why ANYONE or any business would ever advertise on such a television station. 

If you go to channel 9 right now, guess what, THERE'S NO SOUND AT ALL. This is nothing new, it happens all the time. For a while there, only their commercials were without sound. Now it's everything and those IDIOTS have no one there to even know there's something wrong.

To top it off, if you watch their evening broadcasts, like football, baseball and other sporting events you get the English language and as a BONUS you also get the Spanish language at the exact same time, so you never can hear what's going on and no, it is not my TV. 

So advertisers, dump them like there's no tomorrow because NO ONE can hear your ad/commercial and this has been going on, (especially commercials) for months.

That's an article WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME!

Fine for article WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME! This time, hopefully can benefit for you all. Well, see you in other article postings.

You are now reading the article WRDE SUCKS BIG TIME! With link address https://newstoday-ok.blogspot.com/2017/10/wrde-sucks-big-time.html

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